Our children need to go safely and reach far - MaxBet supports all initiatives in this regard

Sponsorships in pediatric kinetotherapy have significant importance in ensuring access to rehabilitation and development services for children with special needs. Because the importance of these sponsorships is linked to many aspects, MaxBet has decided to sponsor the KinetoBebe Association for the acquisition of laboratory equipment for the treatment of scoliosis in young children. In addition to this action, there is also monthly support for scholarships to cover the costs of pediatric therapy for a period of 1 year.

Below are just a few of the benefits of such sponsorships:

- Accessibility of services - Sponsorships in kinetotherapy allow children from financially limited families to benefit from high-quality rehabilitation therapies. These sponsorships cover the costs of treatment, thus opening up opportunities for these children to access the kinetotherapy services they need to improve their mobility, strength, and motor coordination.

- Development of skills - Kinetotherapyis essential in the development of motor skills and functionality for children with special needs. Through sponsorships, children have the chance to benefit from personalized kinetotherapy programs that can help them develop and improve their physical and motor skills. This can have a significant impact on their autonomy and social integration.

- Improvement in quality of life - Adapted physical therapies tailored to the individual needs of children can enhance their independence and confidence in their own abilities. These therapies can help reduce pain, muscle stiffness, and functional limitations, providing children with the opportunity to enjoy a more active and fulfilling life.

- Social inclusion - Sponsorships in kinetotherapy contribute to promoting social inclusion for children with special needs. By participating in kinetotherapy sessions alongside other children, they have the opportunity to interact, develop their communication skills, and form relationships with others. Thus, sponsorships in kinetotherapy not only support physical development but also social and emotional development of children.

- Promotion of long-term health - Kinetotherapy not only helps improve the current health status of children but also has a long-term impact on their physical development. Through sponsorships that ensure access to quality rehabilitation therapies, complications or secondary conditions can be prevented, posture problems can be corrected, and optimal physical development of children can be supported.

Sponsorships in pediatric kinetotherapy open doors and create opportunities for children to reach their maximum potential and improve their quality of life. They represent valuable support for children and their families in their journey of physical recovery and development.

We hope that MaxBet's action will inspire other companies to support children with motor impairments. In fact, we rely on a business community that proves generosity and an open spirit through actions.

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