16 lives saved in the first month of activity of the only helipad in Bucharest!
The one million euros investment made by MaxBet at the University Hospital in Bucharest has already made the difference between life and death for 16 Romanians. Hospitalized in critical condition, in various hospitals in Romania, the 16 patients were transferred to Bucharest by air using SMURD helicopters.
In the first month of activity of the helipad funded entirely by MaxBet, it proved its usefulness - for the first time in 30 years, a medical helicopter was able to land on the new helipad, even during nighttime.
”Before the 3rd of December, the first day of operation of the most modern heliport in Romania, during nighttime, these medical transfers were made by road. The serious cases were brought to Bucharest by medical plane, but the patients had to be transported from the airport to the Emergency Reception Unit with the help of ambulances, the operation itself being difficult, requiring the patient's stabilization and a lot of caution. For many of these patients, every minute is vital. With the new helipad, all the teams that were involved in these difficult transfers are redirected to other emergencies, so that we can have more doctors and assistants available for cases that reach the Emergency Room. We thank MaxBet for this investment that leads to saving lives, an investment that added value to the medical activity and the prestige of the University Hospital”, said Silvia Nica, medical supervisor of the Emergency Reception Unit at the University Hospital in Bucharest.
But the helipad built by MaxBet at the University Hospital in Bucharest has brought changes, including in other hospitals from the capital! And the proof comes from the latest case brought by helicopter to the helipad built on the terrace. It's about a premature newborn in Alexandria. The doctors who gave birth to the boy considered that the little one needs care with the help of medical equipment that is only available in the maternity hospitals in the capital. Thus, just a few hours after birth, the newborn was picked up by helicopter from Alexandria, brought to the University Hospital, and from here transferred by ambulance to Bucur Maternity Hospital.
The busiest day of landings and takeoffs at the University Hospital’s helipadturned out to be the 30th of December. No less than 6 helicopters brought medical emergencies from all over the country. Among the patients whose lives were saved by the quickly transfer, were two men who had suffered acute myocardial infarctions.
”We are proud that we were able to change the patients’ lives for the better, that we were able to help and at the same time impose a new standard in Romanian medicine, an example of good practice for the entire Romanian medical system. It is not at all easy to build a helipad. And because life has priority, we worked with the best builders, engineers and designers. Feasibility studies have been made to ensure that we have a helipad that meets all international standards, a helipad located in such a way that patients arrive in the emergency room or operating room as soon as possible. All the 16 cases so far prove that this investment saves lives, which honors us!”, said Ioana Bazavan, MaxBet general manager.
The helipad from the University Emergency Hospital in Bucharest became operational at the beginning of December. Construction work on the most modern medical helipad on the terrace in Romania began in April, this year. As of the 3rd of December 2019, medical helicopters benefit from two flight paths, even during nighttime! Patients are transported directly to the Emergency Unit with the help of an elevator and an above-ground corridor, both investments being also fully supported financially by MaxBet.
The helipad’s platform has a metal structure consisting of steel beams and latticed poles, is equipped with gutters and safety nets, electrical beaconing, light markings, rescue, fire protection and extinguishing equipment. Another CSR investment carried out by MaxBet at the University Emergency Hospital found in the arrangement and endowment of the Cell Stem Pretransplant Center, which is not mandatory for leukemia in bone marrow transplantation, the investment may have a value of 200,000 euros.