Doubled prizes - value beyond words

MaxBet is one of the few traditional sponsors of an entire series of educational and cultural events at both national and local levels. One of the examples that we are most proud of is the school Olympics. Together with the STIM Association, MaxBet aims to support academic performance and reward participating students.

With over 30 volunteers, students and teachers, with a sponsorship of over 650,000 lei and with energetic involvement, MaxBet promotes excellence, supports development for continuous self-improvement, as an effective way to promote our values: integrity, ethics, transparency, responsibility, collaboration.

In the current educational context, the Olympics unite previous generations with the present, marking the cultural continuity that defines us all. And education promotion is done on multiple levels, with emphasis placed where it is most needed. At an Olympics, the student learns to engage in a broader circuit, placing greater emphasis on practical and relevant skills for the real world, such as critical thinking, communication skills, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Also, on the occasion of Olympics, personalized learning can be developed - a strong trend in contemporary education, which aims to offer each student a unique learning experience. This is where lifelong learning is learned. This is done by offering continuing education programs and encouraging students to learn throughout their professional lives to remain competitive and relevant in the job market.

In April 2023, according to the Calendar approved by the Ministry of Education, the national stages of school Olympics took place. On behalf of the STIM Association, with the support of MaxBet, all participants in the National Olympiad of Physics, Mathematics, and Informatics received equipped backpacks, and the winners of these competitions enjoyed doubled prizes awarded by the Ministry of Education.

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